Traumatic brain injuries can occur in a variety of settings and different types of accidents including car accidents, truck accidents or in a serious slip and fall accident. In each instance, it is important that victims of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) are familiar with the legal resources that may be able to help them with the damages they are likely to suffer as a result.
Traumatic brain injury refers specifically to trauma to the brain and TBIs can have a profound impact on the lives of victims. There are generally two types of brain injury including open, or penetrating, brain injuries and closed brain injuries. In some circumstances, the impact of especially a closed head injury may not be obvious or immediately noticeable so it is important to understand the symptoms of a brain injury and to be able to watch for the signs down the road.
Signs of a traumatic brain injury can include mood changes such as irritability or anxiety; personality changes; disruption of the senses; memory loss and impaired cognitive function; frequent headaches; difficulty sleeping; and other symptoms as well. TBIs can be considered mild, moderate or severe but all may have a lifelong impact on victims. Victims of TBIs may require rehabilitation care, in-home care and ongoing care for a lifetime. As a result, TBIs can be costly to treat.
Because of the serious physical, financial and emotional harm associated with a traumatic brain injury, it is important for victims and their families to be familiar with the protections and options available to them when their traumatic brain injury was caused by the negligence of another party such as a negligent driver or negligent property owner. A personal injury claim for damages can help the victim of a TBI seek compensation for their physical, financial and emotional damages to help with their medical care and the other needs they may have following their injury.