A previous post on this blog talked about how the electric scooters that are so popular on the streets of the greater Bay Area and throughout Northern California can be hazardous. Shortly after that post, news came out that Lime, one of the distributers of these devices, was pulling several of the vehicles, of two different model types, from the streets.
There were two separate concerns with respect to these two model types. With respect to one, the batteries that supply the electric power to the scooter have a tendency to spark and catch fire, especially if the outer casing which holds them gets damaged.
The second issue, with respect to the other model, is that the scooters can break apart when the decking of the scooter, that is, the piece upon which a person rides, sustains a blow or other repeated trauma. The decking supposedly can break, even if a rider accidentally goes over a curb at too high of a speed.
According to reports, Lime had known about this issue for several weeks prior to recalling the scooters. More generally, there have been suggestions out of several quarters that Lime has simply not responded to the safety issues quickly enough.
Obviously, both an unexpected fire and the sudden breaking of one of these scooters can lead to serious accidents. Particularly, if the scooter fractures in the middle of a ride, a person can easily get hurled from the scooter and suffer a serious brain injury as a result. Should this happen, a victim may have legal options available, and these options could include the filing of a personal injury claim.