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Where do the most fatal accidents occur in the Bay Area?

On Behalf of | Oct 31, 2022 | Car Accidents |

Most drivers will tell you that northern California is full of dangerous roads. Yet, some Bay Area roads are more hazardous than others resulting in a disproportionate number of accidents. Some may be even more dangerous than you realize, especially during rush hour. If you have been injured in a Bay Area accident, chances are it happened on one of the most heavily traveled sections.

NHTSA data indicates I-80 is one of the deadliest roads

A study from the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) indicates that Interstate 80 and offshoots like Interstate 280 have some of the deadliest stretches of highway in the Bay Area. The top three highway stretches producing deadly motor vehicle accidents are:

  • Interstate 80 between exit 8A and 14A
  • Interstate 80 between exit 15 to exit 21
  • Interstate 280 from Meridian Avenue to Wilshire Boulevard

The most dangerous stretch of highway in California is a remote area of Interstate 15 in Hesperia, with 19 fatalities in the study period from 2017 to 2019.

Common causes of fatal accidents in California

The three most common causes of fatal accidents were:

  • Drunk driving
  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving

The highest number of fatal accidents occurred in November.

Serious injuries also occur on dangerous highway segments

Your chances of sustaining a serious injury on one of these stretches of dangerous California highways is also higher. Such injuries are often debilitating and life-changing, resulting in permanent disabilities. Even when injuries aren’t permanent, victims may have a lengthy hospital stay and recuperation period, resulting in the inability to work and a lack of income.

If you and your loved ones have sustained injuries in a car accident caused by the negligence of other drivers, you have the right to file a lawsuit seeking compensation. The insurance company often makes settlement offers that are insufficient to cover the losses that have been incurred.

