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You could suffer many injuries in a car-truck accident

On Behalf of | Jan 19, 2019 | Car Accidents, Truck Accidents |

When a car and commercial truck are involved in an accident, it’s often at a high speed on the interstate. Furthermore, the size difference alone tends to put the people in the smaller vehicle at a disadvantage with them bearing the brunt of the worst injuries.

Knowing the many types of injuries you could suffer in a car-truck accident will help you receive the proper medical treatment in the event that you find yourself in this situation.

Here are several types of injuries to beware of:

  • Head injuries: These can range from something as minor as a laceration to as serious as a traumatic brain injury. Since a head and brain injury can result in long-term health complications and death, immediate treatment is a must.
  • Broken bones: The impact of a vehicle accident can break, fracture and/or crush almost any bone in your body. These are often visible after the crash, so, when possible, administer first-aid until help arrives.
  • Back and neck injuries: Just as common as head injuries, these can include spinal cord damage, nerve damage and paralysis, among others. Attempting to move on your own after suffering a back or neck injury can cause additional damage.
  • Soft tissue injuries: These aren’t typically visible to the human eye, as they include things such as torn ligaments and muscles. Fortunately, a medical exam and imaging tests can pinpoint these injuries.
  • Burns and abrasions: These injuries don’t occur in all accidents, but, when they do, they have the potential to be serious. Both burns and abrasions require immediate, professional treatment to minimize future scarring.

You’re sure to be shaken up if you’re involved in a car-truck accident. While it’s okay to administer first-aid when possible, your best bet is to call 911 so police and an ambulance quickly arrive at the scene.

Once you receive initial treatment for your injuries, your medical team will share a detailed view of what’s happening and your long-term prognosis.

As time allows, you’ll want to file an insurance claim and learn more about the cause of the crash. Doing these things, while also learning more about your legal rights, can help you hold the negligent party responsible.

