After a crash, you depend on your insurance to provide you with financial support. Unfortunately, insurance companies may try to avoid paying you the full value of your claim to protect their bottom lines. One way that companies may do this is by trying to rush you...
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Car Accidents
Do I have to use my insurance money on my car after an accident?
After a car accident, dealing with vehicle repairs and insurance claims can be a stressful experience. If your insurance company issues you a check for repairs, you might wonder if you must spend that money on fixing the car. Understand your insurance policy The...
The Latest Car Safety Features That Could Save Your Life
In the bustling streets of Alameda County, safety on the road is important. Fortunately, advancements in automotive technology are continually happening. These innovations are reshaping the landscape of road safety and potentially reducing injuries. Enhanced collision...
The risk of drowsy driving
Drowsy driving is, in many ways, similar to drunk driving or distracted driving. All three of these issues impact a driver’s awareness and how focused they are on the road around them. Someone who is impaired, looking down at their phone or starting to fall asleep...
How can drivers prepare for road trips?
As the days lengthen, drivers are more likely to take long road trips to visit family or explore new areas. Transitioning from the usual daily drives to these longer trips can take some planning. Here are a few tips drivers should bear in mind: Get adequate rest A...
How to reduce phone distractions while driving
When was the last time you were away from your phone for even an hour? You may be using it right now or have it within arms reach. Just like you, millions of people can not distance themselves from their phones. Typically, this would not be an issue, but it can be a...
Large pickups are becoming one of the biggest hazards on the road
Some of the risks that you face on the road are getting better. Distracted driving is still an issue, for example, but more and more states are putting laws in place to prohibit the practice. Additionally, new automotive technology often makes the road safer,...
How can rage lead another person to harm you on the road?
In today's fast-paced world where everyone seems to be in a hurry, road rage has become an increasingly common phenomenon. Road rage occurs when drivers become aggressive behind the wheel, often leading to dangerous situations. One of the most alarming aspects of road...
How should you safely navigate a roundabout?
In high-traffic areas, left-hand turns tend to slow things down and create traffic snarls – and they can be dangerous. That’s led a lot of urban areas to install roundabouts in place of traditional intersections to try to keep traffic flowing. Unfortunately,...
Why are loose objects in a vehicle a danger to occupants?
When you think of car safety, seat belts and airbags likely come to mind first. Another important aspect of safety is frequently overlooked: securing loose objects inside a vehicle. In the event of a car crash, unsecured items can become hazardous, which can pose...